60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 56

Today’s task: Ask an expert for help. At the end of a call a couple months ago with my CPA, I was told that I needed a better system for keeping track of my finances for my business. My heart sank as I realized that what I had been doing wasn’t very helpful for my […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 55

Today’s task: Take a dip in the pool. Get your feet wet. Take on something that you think is beyond your current skill level. Today’s task has to do with stepping outside of your comfort zone. I feel like in many ways I’m both a good and terrible role model when it comes to this. […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 54

Today’s task: Take responsibility for your actions and mistakes Sometimes spontaneous decisions don’t always result in the way that you want to. Yes, the adventure might be there, but you might also be stuck with the financial consequences of your decision. I received an email yesterday that was kind of a bummer. I thought that […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 53

Today’s task: Audit your most financially challenging experiences. I had the privilege of getting to take a few breathwork classes while I was in Santa Teresa. I even interviewed the teacher for The Transcendent Farmer podcast (coming soon, I promise!), which was an awesome way to dive deep into his journey into breathwork and the […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 52

Day 52: Today’s Task: Challenge yourself to do the right thing and don’t think twice about it. Jump off a cliff, figuratively speaking. While I had originally planned on covering quite a bit in today’s post, I decided to split them up, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to read about breathwork. Today, I […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 51

Today’s task: Accept constructive criticism, even if it’s painful I’m going to get a bit vulnerable today and own up to my mistakes. The reason is that without taking responsibility for my own actions, I’m a hypocrite, and nothing that I do in the space of personal growth and development holds any real weight. I […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 50

Congratulations! You’ve made it through 83% of a 60-day challenge. You should be really proud of yourself for having stuck with me for this long. I’m so excited to be nearing the finish line with you, and I hope that you’ve found this experience to be rewarding thus far. Today’s task: Treat your body with […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 49

Today’s task: Establish & communicate your boundaries Today’s task is a very important component of creating financial abundance. Boundaries. I feel like the phrase ‘you can’t live with ‘em, and you can’t live without ‘em’ is indicative of my relationship with money. I’ve realized that I have a pattern in the kinds of people I’ve […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 47

Today’s task: Find a way to express yourself “Grief is just love that can’t be expressed the way you want it to be” This was a standout quote that gave me chills as it landed in my inbox this morning from a new friend and colleague, Inga Haugen. She is doing some incredible research and […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: day 46

Today’s task: Continue to deepen your source of passive income/digital portfolio and take stock of your daily habits and rituals One of the things I love best about James Clear’s work on building and breaking habits is this idea that your habits are only as good as your systems. And that if you want to […]