60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 52

Day 52: Today’s Task: Challenge yourself to do the right thing and don’t think twice about it. Jump off a cliff, figuratively speaking.  While I had originally planned on covering quite a bit in today’s post, I decided to split them up, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to read about breathwork. Today, I […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 51

Today’s task:  Accept constructive criticism, even if it’s painful I’m going to get a bit vulnerable today and own up to my mistakes. The reason is that without taking responsibility for my own actions, I’m a hypocrite, and nothing that I do in the space of personal growth and development holds any real weight.  I […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 50

Congratulations! You’ve made it through 83% of a 60-day challenge. You should be really proud of yourself for having stuck with me for this long. I’m so excited to be nearing the finish line with you, and I hope that you’ve found this experience to be rewarding thus far. Today’s task: Treat your body with […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 49

Today’s task:  Establish & communicate your boundaries Today’s task is a very important component of creating financial abundance. Boundaries. I feel like the phrase ‘you can’t live with ‘em, and you can’t live without ‘em’ is indicative of my relationship with money. I’ve realized that I have a pattern in the kinds of people I’ve […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 47

Today’s task:  Find a way to express yourself “Grief is just love that can’t be expressed the way you want it to be” This was a standout quote that gave me chills as it landed in my inbox this morning from a new friend and colleague, Inga Haugen. She is doing some incredible research and […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: day 46

Today’s task: Continue to deepen your source of passive income/digital portfolio and take stock of your daily habits and rituals One of the things I love best about James Clear’s work on building and breaking habits is this idea that your habits are only as good as your systems. And that if you want to […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 45

Today’s task: Let someone else take care of you. Everything about this has my whole body just saying YES! Because when you’re responsible for making all the decisions and having a plan all the time, it can become quite exhausting. Running my own business with consulting work can fel like that. The work I’m doing […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 44

Today’s task:  Put yourself and your dreams out there Today’s task is actually related to something I did yesterday, which while it took away from my writing time for this 60-day challenge, was an important step in moving forward on my business endeavors.  I submitted an application for a fellowship called Ears in the Field, […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Table of Contents

In an effort to make navigating the 60-Day Fitness Challenge a bit easier to navigate, I decided to create a post that serves as a table of contents. If you’re interested in the resources that are mentioned throughout the challenge, see this resources post that summarizing all 60-days worth. Day 0: The 60-Day Financial Fitness […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 43

Today’s task:  Look to nature for inspiration of what abundance can look like for you in your life. I think I was robbed by a monkey last night. At first, I thought it was a homeless person that had wandered onto the property and was looking for some food…I almost called out “¡Oye! ¿Qué va?” […]

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