WATCH THE AI Grant Learning Series

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This Learning Series Just Got Sweeter with VIP Access...

Are you totally geeking out about this like we are? Want to take this workshop to the next level? 

Consider getting a VIP Access Pass for just $15!

VIP Access Passes were only available through April 20th, 2024. 

Each Pass includes the following:

  • Invitation to a 90-minute virtual call to get 1:1 assistance/feedback on your application and process with other farmers/food systems advocates like you
  • Access to exclusive video and written content that will not be listed publicly, such as “How did I choose which grant to apply for?”
  • A couple of more surprises we’re still working on. 🙂 

All proceeds from your contribution go to support reducing barriers to land and capital access for emerging farmers globally. We’re grateful for your participation!


Thanks to everyone who signed up for a VIP Access Pass. You’ll receive an email on April 21st with more details about the bonus content we have in store for you.

register for our AI grant writing workshop!