The Team

Who we work with

Key collaborators are essential to Mezclada’s vision to come to life. We’re in the process of growing. Read below for information on ways you can engage with us and follow the development of the farm.


Emily Reno

Founder, Mezclada

Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here. It’s just me and my advisory team building this vision from the ground up, and we need your help to co-create this beautiful future together. There’s many ways to engage, as you’ll see below. And if you just want to follow along for the journey for now, subscribe to our newsletter here for updates, job postings, and more.

team- We're hiring!

We are currently hiring for a bilingual co-facilitator to help support the back-end administration and virtual facilitation of Mezclada’s first online course, which will be offered three times between the fall of 2022 and fall 2023. Applications due October 18th.


Are you beyond excited about what we have planned? Have a talent that you think would make a good fit for our offerings? We’re always welcoming volunteers to help with videography, social media management, and program development. Feel free to email for inquiries.

Advisory Team

Our Advisory Team comprises leadership from several key sectors, including business development, social impact investing, food science, farming, the arts, personal growth, non-profit management, and more. This group of individuals serves as a key asset to help inform major decisions affecting Mezclada, build new programs, and assess opportunities.  Applications for our advisory team will be posted in late 2023/early 2024.


Yes, you! The one that’s jumping out of your seat to learn how to get involved. Whether you’re a non-profit, for-profit, government agency, or other interested party, we want to hear from you. What are you working on? What do you want to build together? Message us at


Read something that strikes your fancy or has you sitting straighter in your seat? Us too! We’re looking for community members and philanthropists alike to bring their love and compassion to this work. We’re excited to shower you with our gratitude for your support, and find unique ways to recognize your contribution. We’re still working on developing our investor portfolio. Be the first to find out when it goes live by dropping us a line at

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