2025 End of Year Reflections

In this episode, host Emily Reno shares her transformative experience traveling to Mexico, discussing the cultural richness and challenges faced by local communities. She also highlights ongoing projects with Mezclada, initiatives for Latina entrepreneurs, and resources for small and medium food businesses.


End of Year Intention Setting with Emily Reno

In this episode, host Emily Reno shares her transformative experience traveling to Mexico, discussing the cultural richness and challenges faced by local communities. She also highlights ongoing projects with Mezclada, initiatives for Latina entrepreneurs, and resources for small and medium food businesses. This episode offers journaling prompts to help listeners reflect on the past year and set meaningful intentions for the next.

Key Moments:

00:00 Introduction to The Transcendent Farmer Podcast
00:14 Emily’s Transformative Trip to Mexico
01:03 Exploring the Cultural Richness of Mexico
02:31 Safety Concerns and Local Experiences
03:47 Updates on Mezclada Projects
05:09 Empowering Latina Entrepreneurs
06:52 Consulting Work and Regional Food Projects
09:16 Building Community and Podcasting Achievements
10:50 Reflecting and Setting Goals for the New Year
11:47 Journaling Prompts for Personal Growth
13:24 Creating Space for Abundance
14:03 Holiday Wishes and Final Thoughts

Journal Prompts:

  • What kinds of things would I like to change?
  • What am I proud of having accomplished this year?
  • What are some of the goals that I have for myself in the next year that scare me a bit because it means I would have to get out of my comfort zone?
  • Who do I already know who could help me achieve these goals?
  • Who do I need to meet who could help me achieve these goals?
  • Is there anything about my personal identity, thoughts, or habits that that I would need to change to step into that next version of myself?
  • What are some of the most outlandish and wonderful experiences that I can imagine having in the next year?
  • How are some of the goals that I have around these experiences reflected in my weekly or monthly budget? If this seems unrealistic or unobtainable, what do I need to change to reach those goals?



Sponsor Resources:

Emerging Markets Flier – Compeer Financial – Learn more about loans, grants, leasing options, and federal-level programs available to you.

Alchemy Botanicals (Cassleton, ND)

Turkey Road Farm (Cassleton, ND)

Fargo-Moorhead Wellness Collective

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