Transformando la salud y el estilo de vida: Perspectivas del Dr. Baltodano

Esta entrevista del podcast “The Transcendent Farmer” presenta una conversación entre la anfitriona Emily Reno y el Dr. Ángel Baltodano, un cirujano ortopedista nicaragüense. En la entrevista, el Dr. Baltodano comparte su visión de la salud integral, enfatizando la importancia de escuchar a personas con resultados tangibles en las áreas que queremos mejorar, ya sea finanzas, relaciones o salud. Resalta cuatro pilares esenciales para la felicidad: salud física, salud emocional/espiritual, salud financiera y propósito de vida.
Empowered Choices: How to Find Clarity in Uncertain Times with Emily Reno

Discover tips on embracing change, understanding somatic expression, and taking aligned actions towards your goals. This insightful conversation offers practical strategies for personal and spiritual growth. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to thrive amid life’s uncertainties.
2025 End of Year Reflections

In this episode, host Emily Reno shares her transformative experience traveling to Mexico, discussing the cultural richness and challenges faced by local communities. She also highlights ongoing projects with Mezclada, initiatives for Latina entrepreneurs, and resources for small and medium food businesses.
Cooking Adventures Down Under: Navigating a Culinary Career with Casey Godinez

In this engaging interview, host Emily Reno interviews her sister, Casey Godinez, who shares her journey and decision-making process in a winding career in the culinary industry, tips for stress management, and insights into trends to keep an eye on in the food industry. We cover everything from what it was like to grow up in Lawrence, Kansas, Casey’s experiences relocating to Australia and deciding to live there permanently, and tips for prioritizing wellness for those working in the hospitality industry.
Purchase Your First Farm and Engage With These Programs to Support Emerging Farmers In Minnesota

Join Jenny Heck, Lillian Otienno, and Patrice Bailey with your host Emily Reno for an exciting conversation about resources available to Emerging Farmers in the state of Minnesota, recent programs that can help you with a down payment for your first farm, and more!
Reflecting on the West Central Minnesota Regional Food Tour

I had a weird thought as I was trying to fall asleep the other day. If I had to die, tonight would be the perfect day for it. This is what it must feel like to die happy. To feel so completely fulfilled by your life and the people in it and the way you […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 60!

Today’s task: Take stock of how far you’ve come and celebrate! At long last! You made it to the 60th day of the 60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge! You should be incredibly proud of yourself and all that you have accomplished in the last two months, and all that you will accomplish in the coming days, […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 59

Today’s task: Don’t confuse money with actual wealth Listening to a video from Alan Watts today was a great reminder that money is not true wealth. It seems so contradictory, but to me wealth comes in the form of freedom and choice. Money can often be the medium through which freedom and choice becomes available […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 58

Today’s task: Evaluate your financial goals with the lens of impact instead of ego One of the takeaways that I had from a recent video from B School was this idea that the people who tend to have the most success in their work/life are those who have placed their customers or those they serve […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 57

Today’s Task: Audit your financial personality I feel like there’s probably a lot of quizzes out there that put people into some kind of prototype regarding their finances. Are they a ‘super saver’, a ‘thrifty shopper’, or the ‘live in the moment’ kind of spender? As I was summarizing my takeaways from a Joe Dispenza […]