30-Day Radical Rest Challenge: Day 6

Today’s Task: Experiment With Your Intuition I’m feeling so inspired by a couple of interviews I’ve listened to in the last 24 hours. One I listened to yesterday, the other I listened to this evening on my drive home from Pelican Rapids. And I just feel this tingly energy in my body and in the […]

30-Day Radical Rest Challenge: Day 5

Today’s Task: Float! (Or Meditate) One of the coolest things that I’ve discovered since moving to West Central Minnesota is Salt 2 O. I swear, floating in these tanks on a regular basis has changed a lot for me.  I’ve found that my monthly membership that allows me to float in super salty water for […]

30-Day Radical Rest Challenge: Day 4

Today’s task: Go to bed early There’s something lovely and kind of sad about fall here in Minnesota. As the days get shorter, the heaviness in your eyes and your body starts to kick in around 7 p.m. instead of 10 p.m. The sun starts setting and you feel like not making plans late in […]

30-Day Radical Rest Challenge: Day 3

Today’s Task: Share a meal with someone else. I find that when I make plans to cook dinner with others, it necessarily forces me to get out of my regular routines of doing doing doing. A wise person on a yoga video I often come back to said “We are human BEINGS, not human DOINGS”. […]

30-Day Radical Rest Challenge: Day 2

Today’s Task: Allow someone to cook a meal for you Isn’t it the best when you don’t have to cook a meal? And even better when someone cooks a meal for you in their own home? That’s what I got to experience today, and it was quite lovely. I had the pleasure and fortune to […]