60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 1

So. You want to start a farm.  Maybe you’ve been working on farms for a long time, maybe you grew up on a farm, moved away from your homeland (by choice or perhaps not), and now you’re ready to start your own operation! Perhaps you’ve gone through a training program for sustainable agriculture, completed an […]

The 60-day financial fitness challenge is about to begin…

Day 0: The Context & The Challenge The Context: I think that readers will be able to truly appreciate and empathize with where I’m at. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit this, but have to admit that four months after leaving my full-time job to pursue consulting – and my offerings through Mezclada! – I’ve […]

A magical summer farm weekend

I had the opportunity to participate, and plan, a Farm Buds trip at the beginning of August. For a couple of years, this initiative has taken place informally, in the spare time of a now good friend, Matt Barthelemy. It’s really a pretty cool setup. Folks from the Cities and locals come to a farm […]

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