60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 11

I had the pleasure of getting to read Marie Forleo’s e-book this morning about time management. There were two quotes in particular that stood out to me: 1. “When you know what’s important, you can ignore what’s not.” 2. “You’re either going to change by design or by disaster.” Let’s take a minute to talk […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 10

Almost forgot to post today. Again. Haha and I even had a conversation with someone this morning about how I was 10 days in and going strong! Fun fact: Did you know…my last name is also part of a product of liverspread in Brazil?! Found that in an asian grocery store in Oklahoma a few […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 9

Welcome to Day 9 of the 60-day financial fitness challenge! How are you doing? Feeling as jazzed as I am about finance? I’m beginning to feel the game-ness spirit of all of this. How much can I grow in two months? Where will I be in 60 days if I already feel like I’ve made […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 8

“ I think we can farm as a way to undermine the systems that we are living in.” – Nico Estrada, with Not Our Farms This was a standout to quote that I read today and wanted to share on Day 8 of the 60-day financial fitness challenge. I love thinking about farms as entities […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 7

You did it! You made it an entire week through the 60-day financial fitness challenge. I’ll admit, I literally spaced posting this evening until I was setting my alarm for tomorrow. But throughout the day, I was thinking about what I would write.  Today’s task: Take advantage of gas rewards programs Now today I’m just […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 6

Congratulations! You made it to Day 6 of the 60-day financial fitness challenge. How are you doing so far? If I’m doing my math right, that means we’ve made it 10% of the way through the challenge. Woohoo! Today’s Task: Cook a meal and share it with others Today I made plans to have brunch […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 came and went! I had some time to think about this challenge while going for a walk by the lake this morning. It was bright and sunny and a balmy -4 degrees Fahrenheit. Gotta love that Minnesota madness.  Today’s task: Eliminate unnecessary expenses. This one requires a little bit of evaluation. I think […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 4

Welcome to Day 4 of the 60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge. Today’s task: Pay off all credit card debt For most people, this might actually be a huge undertaking. For the most part, I’ve almost always paid off my credit card weekly. The most credit cards I’ve had at once were two – a travel rewards […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 3

Today marks Day 3 of the 60-day financial fitness challenge! Whoopee! I haven’t died yet. And I’m feeling super jazzed after finishing listening to the Budgetnista interview that I started yesterday.  There’s a new one that’s going on to the list from that, which is to start 2 checking and 2 savings accounts. I’m excited […]

60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 2

Today’s task for the 60-day financial fitness challenge: Tailor content I consume to focus on money mindset, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship/increasing earnings (podcasts, YouTube videos) This one is exciting for me. I bet it will be for many others, too. We are in many ways a reflection of the content we consume. And the cool […]

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