Future and Existing Farmers Need Your Support
The Transcendent Farmer Podcast is designed to inspire and empower farmers and future farmers with the latest information and resources related to human design, manifestation, high-value market channels, intergenerational healing, and more.

What are we about?
We dig deep into questions of land access, holistic health, mental health and well-being, suicide prevention, succession planning, high-value market channels, creative marketing strategies for farmers, mindfulness, and more. We seek to highlight the voices of the forgotten, the marginalized, and put a spotlight on the work of researchers, authors, scientists, and farmers who are doing important work to strengthen the resilience of our local and global food system.
Listen to the most recent episode.
Why Sponsor The Transcendent Farmer?
You have a vested interest in increasing the availability of land and capital access for future farmers
You are working to increase the knowledge of resources available to minority, tribal, veteran, women, LGBTQIA+, and other historically underserved producers
You offer products or services that serve minority, tribal, veteran, women, LGBTQIA+, and other historically underserved producers
You are looking for efficient ways to leverage your advertising/marketing budget to raise awareness about your products or services for this target demographic
Your business/organization is working to improve the process of succession planning, soil conservation practices and land stewardship, rates of local/regional/statewide entrepreneurship and agricultural innovation.
You have a vested interest in these farmers building financially sustainable businesses.
Our podcast is designed to reach primarily:
Self-driven and entrepreneurial People
Land & capital seekers for their first farm.
Values-aligned business owners
Service-oriented and community-minded farmers
Locally rooted
Farmers selling to local and regional markets focused on investing back into their communities
The lost and overwhelmed
Land & capital seekers for their first farm.
Holistic approach to business
Farmers seeking a holistic approach when it comes to building every aspect their business
A balance between financial, environmental, physical, and emotional sustainability
Minority Farmers/Voices
Women, ethnic minorities, tribal members, persons with disabilities, LGBTQIA+, veterans, first-generation farmers
The young and wise, in Minnesota & beyond
Between 25 and 45 years of age, spreading across a very diverse range of cultural backgrounds and countries

Traction & Analytics
Since launching our first episode in June 2023, we’ve already published 20 episodes and are excited to get the remaining 9 interviews that have already been recorded out the door.
As of February 2024, Mezclada started raising awareness about our work, and we’ve seen incredible results in less than a year.
Spotify Podcast followers
Instagram and Facebook followers
LinkedIn followers
Email newsletter open-rate
Promotional Opportunities
See the package options below.
Don’t hesitate to let us know if you’d like to work with us to customize a sponsorship package to accommodate your budget and preferences. Set up a time on our calendar HERE so we can chat!
Exclusive Sponsorship
Sole sponsorship recognition for a specific series or thematic segment within the podcast.Co-Branding Opportunities
Collaborative creation of branded content or special episodes aligned with the sponsor’s interests and objectives.VIP Access
Priority access to network events, including opportunities for direct engagement with industry leaders and podcast hosts.Dedicated Recognition
Special acknowledgment as a major supporter of The Transcendent Farmer Podcast in all promotional materials and communications.LEVEL TWO
Sponsored Content
Opportunity to provide a brief message or advertisement at the beginning or middle of one episode per quarter.Guest Feature
Invitation for a representative from the sponsoring organization to be interviewed as a guest on an episode related to their expertise or industry involvement.Customized Promotion
Tailored social media posts and mentions highlighting the sponsor’s support and involvement with the podcast.Enhanced Logo Placement
Larger logo placement on the podcast website and promotional materials.LEVEL THREE
Logo Placement
Company logo featured on the podcast website and in the credits of each episode.
Social Media Shoutouts
Regular mentions and thank-yous on the podcast’s social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram).
Networking Opportunities
Invitation to a virtual networking event with other sponsors and key stakeholders in the agricultural and agtech industries.
Early Access
Access to episodes before they are released to the public.
Verbal acknowledgment of sponsorship at the beginning or end of each episode
Why market through a podcast?
Podcasting is extremely personal. You’re literally accompanying a person while they’re driving, doing laundry or other chores, walking the dog, etc. We’re building a personal relationship with our listeners, which means they’re more likely to rely on our recommendations and referrals as a friend or trusted colleague. While podcasting is a rather nascent medium for marketing, it gives a huge bang for your buck because of the way Mezclada re-uses content across several platforms. Furthermore, because we’re increasing our subscribers and followers, exposure to your advertisement has an evergreen effect as listeners tune in weeks and months after the initial episode publication.
In what parts of the world are your listeners?
Our primary audience and following is located in Minnesota, although followers are increasingly coming from other parts of the world – India, Australia, and Costa Rica, to name a few
Who else do you reach, beyond farmers?
As a secondary audience, we seek to reach:
- Culturally curious
- Technical assistance providers, real estate agents, and farm legal support providers that are seeking to understand emerging farmers, their interests, and unique needs
- Public servants
- State and Federal-level agency employees who have been assigned to work on projects related to local and regional food systems work who are trying to understand more about the context and barriers that beginning farmers face today
What kinds of topics do we focus on and cover in our episodes?
The Transcendent Farmer Podcast covers a wide variety of topics, designed to be both educational and personally inspiring.
Areas covered in existing episodes:
- Mental health resources available for farmers through University of Minnesota Extension
- Funding programs and working groups available to emerging farmers through the Minnesota Department of Agriculture
- The struggles faced by beginning farmers in accessing land and the role of technical assistance providers in helping strengthen the regional food system
- National initiatives to support food workers in gaining access to a living wage and other benefits that help them improve their livelihood
What is meant by a “specific series” or “thematic segment” within the podcast?
Sole sponsorship recognition for a specific series or thematic segment within the podcast means that the sponsor at the Bounty Level would have exclusive branding and acknowledgment associated with a particular part of the podcast content.
For example, let’s say The Transcendent Farmer Podcast has different segments or series within its episodes, such as “Young Farmers Spotlight,” “Innovations in AgTech,” or “Success Stories in Land Transition.”
If a sponsor opts for the Bounty Level and chooses to sponsor a specific series or segment, they would be the only sponsor associated with that part of the podcast. This exclusivity would include:
- Your company name and logo prominently featured at the beginning or end of each episode in that series or segment.
- Verbal acknowledgment of your sponsorship at the beginning or end of each relevant episode.
- Any promotional materials or communications related to that series or segment would prominently display your sponsor’s branding.
- You may also have the opportunity to provide input or collaborate on the content of those episodes to ensure alignment with your brand messaging and objectives.
- This level of sponsorship offers a high degree of visibility and association with a specific aspect of the podcast, allowing you, the sponsor, to effectively target your support and marketing efforts to a particular theme or topic that aligns closely with your interests or industry focus.
How will my sponsorship be acknowledged?
Depending on the sponsorship level chosen, your organization will receive recognition through various channels, including logo placement on our website, verbal acknowledgment in podcast episodes, social media shoutouts, and sponsored content opportunities. Higher-tier sponsors may also receive customized promotion, co-branding opportunities, and exclusive recognition for their support.
Can I contribute content as a sponsor?
Yes, sponsors at the Harvest and Bounty levels have the opportunity to contribute sponsored content, such as brief messages or advertisements, to be featured in podcast episodes. Additionally, sponsors may be invited to participate as guests on relevant episodes, sharing their expertise and insights with our audience.
How will my sponsorship benefit my organization?
Sponsorship of The Transcendent Farmer Podcast offers numerous benefits, including increased brand visibility, networking opportunities with industry professionals, access to exclusive content and events, and the opportunity to showcase your organization’s commitment to supporting sustainable agriculture and rural communities. By associating your brand with our podcast, you demonstrate leadership and dedication to driving positive change in the agricultural sector.
What happens if I sponsor but the podcast doesn't gain traction?
While podcast growth can vary, we are committed to actively promoting The Transcendent Farmer Podcast to reach our target audience and maximize engagement. In the event that the podcast experiences challenges in gaining traction, we will work closely with sponsors to explore alternative promotional strategies and ensure that your investment yields valuable returns.
How can I get more information or discuss customized sponsorship opportunities?
We welcome inquiries and are happy to discuss customized sponsorship packages tailored to meet your organization’s specific goals and interests. Please contact us at invest@mezclada.co to schedule a consultation and learn more about how you can become a sponsor of The Transcendent Farmer Podcast.
Explore Sponsorship opportunities
Set up a time to chat with me about sponsorship opportunities and creative arrangements, including product and service trades.