60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 58

Today’s task:

Evaluate your financial goals with the lens of impact instead of ego

One of the takeaways that I had from a recent video from B School was this idea that the people who tend to have the most success in their work/life are those who have placed their customers or those they serve front and center. And while having a financial profitable business is important, that only comes from solving problems. 

There’s this phrase in business that has to do with falling in love with your customer’s problems, not the product you’re selling. And by doing so, you shift the energy so that you become way more curious about what the solution could be instead of imposing some invention on others without possessing the empathy that will allow true connection.

This is what I loved about Marie Forleo’s approach to Ideal Customer Avatars in her video. She talks about the importance of connecting on a very deep emotional level with those who you’re serving. Understanding what’s happening in their heart space, and connecting with that. She has a brilliant exercise where you’re asked to write a letter from the perspective of your customer, and go into detail on all the fears and aspirations they have. 

What’s always interesting as parts of these exercises in business/marketing is that we often find that those who we seek to serve are often just like us, but a previous version of ourselves. In many ways, I can see how those who would be the best fit for Mezclada’s courses are those who are passionate about personal growth and development, farming, highly value simplicity and high-quality design in their work…AND also struggle with 1) feeling like what they do is never good enough, 2) setting incredibly high expectations for themselves and those around them, 3) struggle with maintaining focus or follow-through because they’re constantly managing several projects at a time, and 4) possess a deep sense of community and often give more of themselves to others than they invest in themselves. 

It’s kind of painful to write those last few pieces because it is, in fact, describing my own struggles that I’ve faced, and continue to face. That last  one especially cuts deep because it’s a reminder that I am the only one responsible for my well-being, and I have to assume responsibility for my self-care. 

Perhaps this is what sixty days of focusing on financial abundance and mindset work was intended to do. To show me, and all of you who may have been following along since the beginning, that the key to fostering a healthy flow of energy in your bank account actually has more to do with how you treat yourself than how you interact with other people. The reason is that we manifest in our external reality that which we are cultivating internally. In our relationships, the way we talk to others, our judgements (or acceptance) of those around us, setting healthy boundaries, creating standards for which we are and aren’t willing to settle, allowing ourselves to dream and use our imagination, and strengthening our trust muscle in the universe that our lives will pan out exactly as it’s supposed to. 

So today’s exercise is to do some journaling and review the financial goals that you’ve set for yourself. And ask yourself: Are these goals coming from a place of EGO or IMPACT? And if they’re coming from a place of ego, what is it within yourself that may be unhealed and is looking for attention? What might have happened when you were younger that put you in this place of lack/scarcity/desire? Lastly, how could I change this goal so that it is more aligned with my heart? 

Today’s resources to keep you inspired:

  • Wildflower Farms (example of a luxurious farm/resort that I found very expansive in terms of thinking about positioning of your brand/farm and thinking about who your target audience/clientele is) – Found this by looking at the footer of Alta Gracia, a resort I’d like to stay at here in Costa Rica!

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