60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 45

Today’s task: Let someone else take care of you. Everything about this has my whole body just saying YES! Because when you’re responsible for making all the decisions and having a plan all the time, it can become quite exhausting. Running my own business with consulting work can fel like that. The work I’m doing […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 44

Today’s task: Put yourself and your dreams out there Today’s task is actually related to something I did yesterday, which while it took away from my writing time for this 60-day challenge, was an important step in moving forward on my business endeavors. I submitted an application for a fellowship called Ears in the Field, […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Table of Contents

In an effort to make navigating the 60-Day Fitness Challenge a bit easier to navigate, I decided to create a post that serves as a table of contents. If you’re interested in the resources that are mentioned throughout the challenge, see this resources post that summarizing all 60-days worth. Day 0: The 60-Day Financial Fitness […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 43

Today’s task: Look to nature for inspiration of what abundance can look like for you in your life. I think I was robbed by a monkey last night. At first, I thought it was a homeless person that had wandered onto the property and was looking for some food…I almost called out “¡Oye! ¿Qué va?” […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 42

Today’s task: Set up ACH payments If you are already in business, it’s important to separate your personal from your business finances. I’m talking two different bank accounts, honey. No pulling a little from here to pay there…no ifs, ands, or butts about it. Keep your monies separate and you (and your CPA) will thank […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 41

Today’s task: Take the day off The last couple of days have been filled with driving through the mountains, rivers, and streams, hiking to waterfalls, stumbling upon an exquisite sauna, thoughtful conversation in the bed of a truck, breathtaking views, losing my hat to the wind, and getting set up in my new digs here […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 40

Today’s task: Take stock of and set intentions for your impact on the local community & economy The first thing that popped up on my laptop today was a very timely article about the increased gentrification of Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, where I find myself this morning. Waking up to the view of the ocean […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 39

Today’s task: Trust that life has bigger plans for you than you can imagine. What a freaking incredible day. Between my first two-hour bus ride to getting on a ferry to a very cramped bus, to being welcomed to an exquisite paradise of a lodging situation that literally takes my breath away, I am beyond […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 38

Today’s task: Give your body what it needs. Today I found myself on embarking on yet another adventure to 1) Get a ticket for a bus to Santa Teresa tomorrow and 2) Visit the San José farmers market. I decided to take the local busses instead of traveling via Uber, which while keeping me on […]
60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 37

Today’s task: Accept help from others Today I found myself using a cigarette to heat the end of a pair of tweezers, sitting out front of a fast food joint as I attempted to scare a tick out of my foot. Or at least what I thought was a tick. I feel like everything that […]