60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 59

Today’s task:

Don’t confuse money with actual wealth

Listening to a video from Alan Watts today was a great reminder that money is not true wealth. 

It seems so contradictory, but to me wealth comes in the form of freedom and choice. 

Money can often be the medium through which freedom and choice becomes available for people, but it can also come through bartering, exchange, and even a shift in mindset. The time I spent in Santa Teresa is one example of how I exchange my time and talents for a place to live and excursions/farm visits. Fortunately, I had other income that could help me cover my fixed expenses, so I couldn’t rely completely on this exchange, but it was still an exchange nevertheless. 

Something I will likely continue to seek out in life is a healthy balance between the things I do in exchange for money and the things I do in exchange for services, products, and experiences. I received an email this week from a farmer in Nicaragua who is interested in having me come out and see their property. Through a connection in Minnesota and Mezclada’s newsletter, connections are starting to gain momentum. And honestly, I’d love to think about a creative arrangement as an exchange because I find them to be so much more fulfilling and wonderful than anything that I could come with on my own.

But let’s get back to the task for today – I think we’ll do another journaling exercise, or maybe even a self-challenge in the next 24-48 hours. 

Do something that’s in alignment with what TRUE wealth means to you. Maybe it’s spending the evening with loved ones and asking everyone to put their phones away for a few hours. Maybe it’s taking a long walk and leaving any time-keeping devices behind. Maybe it’s closing your computer and taking 15 minutes to focus on breathing deeply. Whatever it looks like for you, write down what you plan to do, where you will do it, and when. You’re now 40% more likely to actually follow through!

Today’s resources to keep you inspired:

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