60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 55

Today’s task:

Take a dip in the pool. Get your feet wet. Take on something that you think is beyond your current skill level.

Today’s task has to do with stepping outside of your comfort zone. I feel like in many ways I’m both a good and terrible role model when it comes to this. One of the ways to force yourself into positions of growth is to say ‘yes’ to something that’s slightly outside of your level of comfort or area of expertise, and to have the confidence that you will have the information – or access to the people or resources – you’ll need in order to deliver a great result, on time, and that exceeds expectations…maybe even your own!

In reflecting on some of the things that have come out of this challenge, I realize that I’ve tested out a lot of things. I still have several projects that are half-finished that didn’t go anywhere. And others where I feel like I’m building in momentum. Some of the projects I started that I feel are unfinished include:

  • My adobe stock account. I probably have at least 80 photos that need tagged and submitted for approval. 
  • My digital portfolio on Behance. I started this and then found that I enjoyed spending more of my time building out my podcast and this challenge than creating the layout for that project. At the same time, I’m still taking on different design projects

Anyways, the point is that this is just like the saying goes about if you keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect a different result, that’s insanity.

Well, same thing goes for your finances. If you want to see a different result, you can’t solve the problem with the same mindset or behavior that got you there in the first place.

I’m incredibly grateful for having stepped out of my comfort zone and traveled to Santa Teresa…there’s a thousand reasons why and I won’t list them all here, but I think this quote from an email I received about a week ago and am just now responding to sums it up:

“your one of million unknown heroes this world will never know but never forget ,,”

This line brought tears to my eyes, and still does when I read it, because it epitomizes the impact that I hope to have on people throughout my life. I know that I don’t do things perfectly, and that I make mistakes every single day…I know that there’s a lot more I could be doing to show up in the lives of others that shows them that I care, that I’ve got their back, that I respect them…I know that I didn’t get to share with those in Santa Teresa all that I’m truly capable of…and yet. An email like this one says a lot. And I think it’s okay if I never become known except in the lives of those who are closest to me. Because if I can positively impact them for the better, that’s all that really matters. 

I’m sure there will be other lifetimes for me to be rich and famous. Perhaps for now the most important thing I can do is focus on what’s right in front of me, in this one. 

Today’s resources to keep you inspired:

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