60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 45

Today’s task:

Let someone else take care of you.

Everything about this has my whole body just saying YES! Because when you’re responsible for making all the decisions and having a plan all the time, it can become quite exhausting. Running my own business with consulting work can fel like that. The work I’m doing with Mezclada, though…the blog, the podcast…it doesn’t feel like work. 

And the copywriting, branding, and marketing also leaves me feeling so energized by the end of the day. I’m excited to take on putting together an annual report for one of my clients and see if they’re willing to have me develop some brand guidelines as part of it. I’m stoked to ues my creative license and apply different concepts to the project.

Anyways, getting back to the task of the blog and this notion of being taken care of..Universe, please hear me out when I say that I’m ready to be taken care of. I’m so open to how you want to deliver that to me…whether through an employment or visa opportunity here in Costa Rica, through a life-long partnership, through new friendships, an adopted family, or something else entirely. I already feel so much gratitude for all the people you’ve brought into my life. Thank you! And may this only be the beginning.

Okay, so getting off my soapbox…today I’ve already let two people take care of me – one was the woman at a retail shop who helped explain different things in the store as I looked for gifts for family and friends. 

The second person to take care of me was the waitress at the restaurant I decided to eat lunch at today. It was by far one of the best meals I’ve had since I’ve been here. Lemonade with tamarind and ginger, and a falafel bowl. I purchased two gluten-free coconut cookies to-go, just because sometimes at the end of the day I crave something sweet and want to have something on hand. 

This morning I decided to give myself permission to eat out more so than I have and to take advantage of all the amazing cuisine that’s here. Yesterday it was arancini balls at an Italian restaurant after my chiropractic appointment…you know, I think that counts, too. Letting the chiropractor take care of me.

And actually…the third was the woman at the ice cream shop who returned my water bottle to me that I had left there last night. Mil gracias, I told her…A thousand thanks. 

This concept of being taken care of has a lot to do with the balance of masculine and feminine energies. Masculine energy would be the go go go, take action, lead, make decisions, etc. And feminine would be leaning into softness, receiving, and letting go…letting someone else take care of you.

One additional thing I’m going to do today is identify a massage therapist and schedule a massage within the next month. 

What does having someone else take care of you look like? Think about it, and let it happen. Maybe it’s something as simple as accepting a hug from someone who offers it.