60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 43

Today’s task: 

Look to nature for inspiration of what abundance can look like for you in your life.

I think I was robbed by a monkey last night. At first, I thought it was a homeless person that had wandered onto the property and was looking for some food…I almost called out “¡Oye! ¿Qué va?” but of course was instead paralyzed by fear. The door is locked from the inside…they can´t get in and attack you. They probably need the food more than you do.

As I listened closer over the thumping of my racing heart, I realized that it didn´t sound like normal footsteps. Almost like a dragging sound. And then I started to hear the rattling of plates in the kitchen, sure that they were about to break. At one point, there was a loud squawking noise and I knew at that point it had to be an animal. An intense ordor filtered through the screens of my bedroom and I thought Okay, for sure this is some kind of skunk.

I woke up this morning to the ominous sound of howling monkeys and assessed the situation in the kitchen – the trash can lid was off and the smell of skunk was profuse.

Turns out I was wrong. One of my eggs had been removed from the carton and was broken in the sink – rotten egg, not skunk.

Today’s task is to look to nature for inspiration of what abundance can look like for you in your life. This was prompted by yesterday’s excursion into the jungle. A three-and-a-half hour hike resulting in a breath-taking view of the mountains, great conversation with a new friend from Argentina…it’s those moments when your heart is pounding and you’re asking yourself Why did I decide this was a good idea? That you find what you’re truly made of. It also makes the reward so much more satisfying.

There is nothing more magical than floating in a pool of crystal clean water at the bottom of a waterfall, looking up into the leaves of the trees and wondering if you’re dreaming. I found myself being massaged on my head and shoulders by that waterfall yesterday, and all the stresses held in my body melting away in the sauna, inhaling tea tree-infused steam. I credit the frequent saunas and ice baths over the last week to my ankle getting back into good shape after feeling it had popped out of place. These experiences are priceless. And it’s not just the experience itself, but the people you get to spend it with that make all the difference.

It’s worth noting that there is a delicate balance between the surrender that’s required to enjoy all that nature has to offer and offering deep respect for it all the while – you don’t have control, even if you think you do. The ocean teaches us that every day. Respect for the current, the tides, the fluctuations from day to day, morning to night. So do the hillsides of the mountains and the rains that nourish them, the way that the water creates ruts in the roads, making them impassable.

This is an important component of abundance – recognizing that it’s just as important to take aligned action as it is to let go and see where things go. 

Abundance is not just about having money in the bank. It’s about the memories you make with others.

I like to think about the 8 forms of capital –  intellectual, financial, natural, cultural, built, political, individual and social. Abundance can come in so many forms. Focus on the feeling of what it’s like to have that kind of abundance in your life. 

Today’s exercise:

Write down 10 things you will feel when you have all of your needs met (financial or otherwise). Close your eyes, breathe that feeling in, and out. Exhale for twice as long as your inhale.

Today’s resources to keep you inspired: