60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 33

Today’s task: 

Embrace changes in the path as part of where you’re supposed to be

This morning I woke up to a text message informing me that I would need to find alternative lodging at least temporarily while in Costa Rica. Being as how it was less than 24 hours from when my flight gets in, I felt a simultaneous sense of panic and laughter bubbling up within me.

It’s so funny because I feel like the more I get into spirituality, the more I feel like the Universe is taking care of me, and that whatever doors are closing are because they’re supposed to close. There’s nothing wrong with me, there’s nothing I need to change, I just need to go with the flow of energy, support, love, and good vibes.

Today that involved finding a place to stay in short order. And I felt like there were a lot of tests coming my way. I thought first, “Okay, I’m going to meditate and see what comes to me, so that I know where I’m supposed to end up.” Then I started saying different locations out loud to see what resonated with my body, to see if maybe my eyes would start fluttering or if I felt some kind of a tingling sensation in my fingers and toes…nothing. 

I typically don’t like to make decisions out of desperation and prefer instead to come from a high vibration of love. But sometimes, you just have to deal and do the best with what little time you have. For me today, that was about two hours. Two hours of scouring the internet, looking at different travel guides to get a sense of where I wanted to end up, realizing one of the highest spots on my list is actually during its rainiest season, and then just deciding to pick a place where I felt I would have the best overall experience. 

That led me to a hostel, which is not normally my style, but something I felt would be a good fit for a week as I start to work out plans C and D, should the spot I had chosen to stay fall through all together. I smiled at myself this morning while listening to a meditation video because I feel like the universe is pulling me in a different direction for a reason. It knows that there’s someone I’m supposed to meet, some experience I’m supposed to have, which is going to play a role in my future somehow. I have no idea what that looks like, but I trust that I will be safe, I will be able to navigate without any issues, and I will have an awesome time, even if it goes differently than originally planned.

There were a number of tests that came up this morning – deciding which community I wanted to stay in, what my budget would be for an expense I did not plan for, and holding myself together while extended family was still visiting with us this morning. I am sad that I didn’t get to spend more time enjoying the day with my parents, that it ended up being quite stressful while trying to find a new lodging situation, and crying into the closet as I realized my bag would be charged as overweight once I got to the airport. 

Some days aren’t always great. Today was rough. 

But I did do one thing that I’m especially proud of, which is spending the evening with loved ones and laughing over a delicious plate of quiche. These are the moments I cherish more and more. And I’m realizing that savoring the present is essential for one’s happiness and wellbeing. 

Cheers to the people around you who you probably take for granted. Cheers to the obstacles you will overcome, and the stories you will laugh about after the hard moments have passed.