60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 32

Today’s task: 

Write a hand-written thank you card to someone who has supported you financially in the past

Today’s task had to do with cultivating gratitude and being generous. One of the best ways that someone can be generous, as I’ve mentioned before, is with their words.

Not only is it important to look ahead to the future, but to take stock and recognize the people who have helped you on your journey to financial success. Or at least helped you at a time when you needed it.

I wrote a card today to someone who had a big role in my life because of how they supported me both financially and emotionally. They became like another grandparent to me, holding space when I needed to cry and allowing me to be myself. And they also were a huge help to me financially because living with them allowed me to decrease my living expenses. I find that hand-written notes can go a long way, and that it creates a reciprocal vibration of appreciation between you and the receiver. 

Two other major accomplishments today included:

  1. Submitting my scholarship application for a yoga teacher training in 2023 in Panama, and 
  2. Doing lots of window shopping and taking photos of things that I liked without actually buying anything. 

Window shopping is the best. I love collecting images of books, cookbooks, gadgets and more, adding them to my Christmas list on my phone, and then over the course of the year deciding how much I really need or want that item. By giving myself plenty of time to process, I generally don’t have a problem with overspending or splurging unnecessarily.

Additional ways that I took care of myself today:

  • Yin yoga video to start the day
  • Napping while driving around in Kansas City
  • Drinking lots of water to keep myself hydrated

I’m not used to running around so much and having so much stimulation, so I ended the day with pretty low energy.

That’s all for today. Keeping it short and sweet.