60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 30

Today’s task:

Ask yourself how you have changed in the last year. (And keep working on your digital portfolio.)

“You are a reflection of your business, especially if you’re in the space of a socially-minded or mission-driven business.” This was one of my favorite lines from interviewee Ezekiel Vicente, on Selling with Love, one of my favorite podcasts about business. 

It’s a great reminder that if you’re not changing, your business probably isn’t evolving either. And that’s not good unless the environment you’re working in hasn’t evolved at all. This is highly unlikely.

Today I took a major step related to my own healing. I said to myself as I left the house today “You’re opening portals today, Emily.” It didn’t make me any less anxious about meeting with two family members who I had been separated from since I was a little kid. 

In order to look forward to the future, you have to let go of the past.

Forgive, grieve, heal, and move on. 

I’m sure I’ll be processing our conversation in the coming days and months, but the encouragement I needed came from two dear friends who aren’t with me in person but who I carry with me in my heart, always. Thank you, Alonso and Megan, for giving me the courage to do hard things!

In order to run the kind of business that I envision Mezclada becoming, I know that I have to overcome my fears. I have to embrace what it means to be human, and I have to practice what I preach. So I ran into the fire, as TBM likes to say, and I did the thing, even though I had no idea where it would end up. I told myself all day yesterday “the Universe is taking care of you. Trust that you’re going to be okay. They aren’t going to murder you.” Haha clearly you are getting a glimpse into how dark my mind can be and the places it will go if left to run wild.

Something I also took away from today was this idea that sometimes the best thing that you can give those you love is your time. I got to connect with old friends I worked with at a farm in Lawrence today, and while at first I thought to myself “Is this going to make you go over your budget for food this week?”, I then followed it up with “Be present. Live in the moment. Trust that you’ll be taken care of.” And you know what? I was. I had to hold myself back from crying as my friend offered to buy me breakfast. It’s the little things, you know?

The same thing happened at lunch. I didn’t have to pay. And the tea I got later that morning was offered to me “on the house”. I paid for it anyway, but it’s still the sentiment and the intention that matters.  

I truly believe that these kinds of activities are necessary to help cultivate within me an abundance mindset. I also believe that there’s certain things that money can’t buy. Time is one of them. 

So here’s my recommendation for you today: Hug someone (even if it’s a stranger) and tell them that you love them. You never know when they may disappear from your life. 

P.S. – I did also create this kick ass GIF that’s going to make its way onto my digital portfolio! Success!

Today’s resources to keep you inspired:

Unlock Your Potential for Success in 2023 with Powerful Questions and Self-Evaluation – Ezekiel Vicente