60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 24

Today’s task: 

Dig deeper into your human design chart to identify areas for flow

One of the things I love about human design is that you can go pretty in-depth with the information. A couple of my favorite podcasts I listen to that have helped me gain a much better understanding of human design are The Human Design Podcast from Emma Dunwoody and the current with Nadia Last. I have found both of these to shed a lot of light on who I am, how my energy type shows up for me, how others have learned to leverage the knowledge of their human design to build their life, career, relationships, and to overall just find more flow in their lives. We all want a little more flow, right? Less resistance, feeling like you’re fighting for everything you want versus allowing it to come to you and enjoy the journey along the way.

In Day 22’s post we covered at a very high level the centers, and how to find out information about what it means to have those centers defined and undefined, and how that might help you provide guidance as to where you could be bringing in more wealth for yourself in your farm business.

Today I wanted to dig in a little bit more on some of the other basic pieces of your chart, which include your energy type, strategy, authority, definition, profile, incarnation cross, and channels. There’s a lot to cover, so I might get through writing about half of these and then decide to make this a 3-part series. 

What is your energy type?

Mine is Generator.

According to my soul map that I purchased over a year ago from Moondust Our Mother, generators represent 35% of the population. The other energy types are: Manifestors, manifesting generators, reflectors, and projectors.

What I’ve learned about energy types thus far is that they describe the way that energy flows to and through you, and how you may absorb or reflect the energy of others around you. 

Generators tend to have a lot of energy. So much so that they’re known to need to completely exhaust themselves over the course of the day to get out all that they have. I find this to be so true. I often find that on days where I’m working 8-10 hours on a computer screen, the first thing I want to do when I’m done with work is go for a walk or do some kind of exercise. Because I still have leftover energy reserves that can only be expended through movement. 

This is one of the reasons that I believe farming has been such a good fit for me. It allows me to expend my physical energy in a productive way.

Generators have a defined sacral, which also means that it’s not just enough to work and create and produce, but to truly love what they do. They also tend to respond to the things around them and what the universe brings their way. 

This is one of the hardest things I find, which is learning to relax and let things come my way, versus always forging ahead and making things happen. And also create intentional rest periods for myself, because it’s so easy to just go all the time.

Your energy type should be listed when you generate your bodygraph. And you can Google to your heart’s desire all the information you want about the energy types, which one you are, and the characteristics. For me at least, all of what describes me is accurate for this energy type.

What is your strategy?

This is the place where you get guidance on how you should be approaching and navigating through life. When you’re making a tough decision, coming back to your strategy is like your home base or home court. Lean into this as a way to help you find your bearings. 

My strategy is “Wait to respond”. Even as I write this, I feel tightness in my chest because I know that I often jump the gun and don’t give myself much time to process before blurting out the first thing that comes to me. But what this strategy suggests is that I should be listening to my body’s response before vocalizing my decision. 

Here’s a real example of how this plays out for me:

A potential client for work mentions an opportunity to collaborate on a project they’re really excited about. 

I get a sinking feeling in my stomach even though I’m smiling and nodding.

I tell them that I’ll consider it and let them know the next week.

I ask myself later, “Is this project going to take me where I want to go long-term?”

My shoulders feel kind of caved in and my chest is tight. My body says no.

Later when talking to that person, I say no. 

I wish I could say that I do this on a more regular basis than I do, but that would be a complete lie. I feel like the practice that I struggle with is reminding myself that I don’t have to answer in the moment. And more than likely, if it isn’t a ‘hell yes!’ at the moment, it’s a ‘hell no’, and I should not try to drag people along and pretend that it’s something that might play out in the future as a possibility. This is hard when you work in an environment where you see the same people all the time, and there exists an imperative to preserve positive professional relationships. For me, relationships are everything. And setting boundaries is one of the things I struggle with the most.

Frequently you’ll find a pairing next to your strategy called your ‘not self’. For me, this is ‘frustration’, and it’s the quality that describes what happens to you when you’re out of alignment with your strategy and authority.

Applying this to your job as an entrepreneur in the farming space and gaining access to land and capital 

It’s important to recognize that you can leverage your strategy for any decision-making process. This includes navigating different opportunities that you may come across as it relates to accessing farmland or any other resources you may need to start your farm operation. 

When it comes down to it, keep coming back to your strategy to help guide you in the right direction. Your body is so intelligent and is sending you messages all the time, whether in your stomach, your neck, your chest, or anywhere else. I’ve heard of many people who had an injury once and then afterwards when that part of their body started to ache, it was a precursor that they sensed before other emotional energies of the people around them would shift. Or even think about the people you know who get migraines before a big storm comes. These things are real, if we allow ourselves to pay attention. And for many of us farmers out there, that means slowing down. 

So next time you come across a listing or see photos of a property, you talk to an owner about the sale, meet with an FSA officer, ask yourself some questions and then your body respond. Trust it. Experiment with something small and see what happens! And don’t forget to ask for time in making decisions if you need it. Don’t pressure yourself to have an answer right away, if you’re still new to the process and don’t even know what it’s like when your body talks to you. 

I want to make it clear that most people I know are pretty dysregulated from their bodies. They use food, alcohol, sugar, and other substances or activities (work) to escape from whatever pain or stress they might be experiencing. And for the most part, many are not even conscious that they’re doing it, because it’s normalized within their own social circles or family. This can make it really hard to develop a new habit, to become in tune with what ‘normal’ really looks and feels like, and when you know that things are out of whack. 

A simple example might be digestion. Do you pay attention to how food is moving through your body on a weekly basis? Do you recognize when you’ve not been eating enough fiber? 

I’ll continue with authority, profile, and channels tomorrow!