60-Day Financial Fitness Challenge: Day 2

Today’s task for the 60-day financial fitness challenge:

Tailor content I consume to focus on money mindset, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship/increasing earnings (podcasts, YouTube videos)

This one is exciting for me. I bet it will be for many others, too. We are in many ways a reflection of the content we consume. And the cool thing is, we have control for the most part over what we decide to take in. I stopped listening to the news a long time ago because I found that when I started my day that way, it made me pretty unhappy and depressed, sad about the state of affairs of the world, and all of that before I even got dressed.

The first time that I felt like I was perpetually in a state of inspiration was when I started listening to the Mindvalley podcast. And ever since I’ve not wanted to leave that space. 🙂 Because when I’m inspired, I create a high vibration/energy/aura (whatever you want to call it – joy), and the people around me pick that up. It creates this really cool ripple effect, and their positive energy that they get from me comes back. Someone I interviewed for my podcast today actually just mentioned this – she called it the boomerang effect. Haha I think others might call it karma.

So what does it mean to tailor the content you consume? 

I would first suggest by taking stock. And then making small adjustments.

Take a day and write down all the moments when you’re listening to the content of someone else. It can be kind of eye-opening to see what’s going on. I often go through phases of binge listening to a certain podcast, or even a single song. 🙂

What is the power of being conscious of the content we consume?

Everything. To be honest, you can control your external reality when you start to shift your thought patterns. And if you aren’t conscious of where your thoughts are coming from, then you also create a subconscious reality. 😀 Let’s make this concrete with an example:

Step 1. Someone listens to an audiobook about Native American history in the U.S.

Step 2. This person begins to have thoughts about the impact of the past on the present. They start reflecting on their grandparents and their style of life…

This is a very mundane example, but I’m just saying…content leads to a whole stream of thoughts, and before you know it, they start to blur together. I think there’s some interesting statistic that says something like 90% of the thoughts you had today are the same as those you had yesterday. Isn’t it wild how we repeat ourselves in our head?

Anyways, the universe brought me Episode number 221 from To Be Magnetic today and I’m linking it here because just 15 minutes in I was hooked. I think you’ll be blown away with The Budgetnista too!

What my content curation process will look like:

  • Any YouTube videos or podcasts that I listen to/watch over the next 60 days will be intentionally selected based on their relationship to financial literacy, money mindset, and increasing earnings, roughly speaking. These are the things that I put on while driving, cleaning, getting ready in the morning, cooking, etc. 
  • I’ll share my favorites throughout the challenge and maybe put a master list at the bottom of this post once the challenge is complete
  • Share what I learn with those around me as soon as possible after I’ve heard it. That way it sticks! 
  • Take action on anything that’s described when feasible. Glean ideas for the challenge and add them to the master list.

I already subscribe to a few things along these lines, which will make this easier. If you’re starting from scratch, I encourage you to go out and find people that inspire you. Follow them. Find them online, in digital space, or in person!

That’s a wrap for Day 2!